Entry list before B day!

So, here we have the last updated list before Beast day in two days time. It’s been a bit frantic here in Beast HQ, answering emails, receiving phone calls, checking orders, and that’s before/after marking the course with over 400 posts, arrows and signs!!!! So I’m currently running on adrenaline now, even at 1am!

The numbers on the side are now your race numbers. As you can see, UltraBeasT are 1 upwards, Preseli Beast are 101 Upwards, and the Beast Bach are 1001 upwards.

Beast Bach 2015 Preseli Beast 2015 UltrabeasT 2015

If there are any issues, then please bring them to my attention. Or bring it to the attention at registration as I’ll probably be rushed off my feet for the next two days!

Also(as if I’ve got nothing to do!!!), there’s a Beast aftermath gathering in the hall in the evening at 7pm with simple but nice grub for £5. Please let me know if you intend on coming to this as we need to know on how many to cater for. There’s a veggie option, and the bar will be open!!!

If you’re looking for me on Saturday, and you don’t know what I look like, then here’s my bestest side!!!!! I’m not the one in green! lol

Cribyn race

‘See you Saturday……..Beast tamers.’

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